Passerine birds of the crow family bölümündendir. Passerine birds in the large size ones and the spiritual life of the crows are species of interest are usually black. In Europe, many species of bird in the crow genus called the neck of a large crow sixty-two inches. Breast feathers in the tail of irregular corners. Usually lives in the mountains, rocky coasts. Holder makes it into the rock.
Once again today, even though this species is decreasing, the numbers begin to multiply. The most prominent feature of the smaller crop kargasının large crow grew increasingly tüysüzleşmesidir cheek regions. This kind of nests in trees and in winter flocks of crows in the aggregate and the fields spread
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Sözlük - Ayrıntılı sözlüğü görüntülead0.crowsıfat0.corvine